An intuitive framework for creating Telegram bots.
Create your own bot in less than 100 lines!

Channel: @pyrubrum Developer: @hearot License: GPLv3


from pyrogram import Client
from pyrubrum import Handler, Menu, transform

bot = Client(...)

handler = Handler(transform(
        Menu("Start", "start", "Hello!", default=True): [
            Menu("About me", "about_me", "I'm just a bot!"),
            Menu("Thoughts", "thoughts",
                 "I'm a bot, I cannot think properly..."),


Pyrubrum (*/ˈpaɪɹˈuːbɹəm/*) is a versatile, charming framework for creating Telegram bots, jointly with Pyrogram.


  • Automatic deep-link generation with DeepLinkMenu

  • Built-in support for Redis

  • Complete documentation

  • Custom styles for inline keyboards

  • Database integration

  • Fast & optimized using MTProto jointly with Pyrogram

  • Fully encrypted parameters

  • Intuitive creation of inline keyboards

  • LRU caching with functools.lru_cache

  • Native support for the “Go back” button

  • No limit for callback_data (see Telegram Bot API)

  • Paging integration with PageMenu


In order to make use of the proposed examples, you need to create your own environment file by renaming sample.env into .env and editing all the necessary variables.

  • Café - Get an overview of the design which lies inside Pyrubrum while interacting with multiple commands and pages.

  • Calendar - Get what day of the week a day is by simply choosing a year, a month and a day while discovering the potential of Pyrubrum page menus.

  • Hitchhiker - Come to know how media are handled with Pyrubrum and…get an existential question answered.

  • Sample - Interact with inline menus while understanding how Pyrubrum works.


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See PEP 440.


  • veggero/tytg for giving me the idea of developing a simple framework with which you can code a folder-like bot.

  • IlhomBahoraliev/pyromenu for letting me understand that an object-oriented library would make the difference in developing this project.
